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The Newtown Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday March 19, 2013, in Meeting Room #3 at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
Present:  Chairman Donald Sharpe; Vice-Chairman Walter Motyka; Jean Leonard; Allan Song, James Gulalo.
Absent:  Elana Bertram; Joseph Humeston; Martin Gersten.
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development; Michael Burton, President – Sandy Hook Organization for Prosperity; Tamara Dougherty – SHOP; EDC consultant Robert Rau; EDC consultant Wes Thompson; one member of the press and several members of the public.
Donald Sharpe called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM.
Public Participation:  
Michael Burton, President of SHOP; said he would like to see the Sandy Hook Streetscape sidewalk project extended to the corner of Dickenson Drive.  He also offered assistance in helping to review applications if there is a Phase II of the STEAP Business Assistance Grant.  SHOP has volunteers to help with fundraising and to establish monthly events in Sandy Hook.  The STEAP grant money is not needed for a marketing campaign.
Tamara Dougherty, SHOP representative; said she felt the process for requesting funds during Phase I of the STEAP Business Assistance Grant was cumbersome.  She would like for SHOP to have a strong voice in  any future use of STEAP grant funds.  Traffic is down and some businesses are still suffering from a downturn in business as a result of 12/14, she said.  Marketing is required to help change the perception of Sandy Hook and to help businesses in the Sandy Hook Design District rebound.  She feels that Phase II of the grant is a recovery effort and any applications that are necessary should be more streamlined than the original application process.
Sharon Dougherty, PJ’s Laundromat; said her business is still struggling.  She feels that a portion of the remaining STEAP grant should be held in an account for Sandy Hook businesses who are still suffering from the downturn in business.   She would also like to see SHOP have a say in where any remaining STEAP funds go.
Discussion followed regarding options for disbursing remaining STEAP grant funds. It was noted that the STEAP committee would finish action on a few outstanding grant requests and would consider possible uses for any remaining funds. The committee is expected to have final funding and use recommendations ready for the EDC’s April 16 meeting  
Walter Motyka motioned to approve the Meeting Minutes for the February 19 regular meeting.  Jean Leonard seconded the motion.  The minutes were passed unanimously.  Walter Motyka motioned to approve the Meeting Minutes for the March 7 special meeting:  Allan Song seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved unanimously.

Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development:  Gave an update on STEAP Business Assistance Grant Committee’s actions.  The committee met last week and approved the following recommendations for payouts:
                Newtown Country Mill            $ 4,149
                Paes & Paes                        7,500
                Redwoods                         18,899
                Stone River Grill                          8,974
                Iron Bridge at 100 Church Hill   12,120
                Newtowner                             -0-
                PJ’s Laundromat           2,762 (additional payment after re-review)
                                        Total    $54,404

Walter Motyka motioned to release $54,404 in funds from the STEAP grant.  Jean Leonard seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.  

Donald Sharpe opened discussion regarding possible uses of remaining STEAP Business Assistance Grant funds.  Walter Motyka said he would like one option to be the availability of no interest loans.  After some discussion, it was decided that the STEAP Business Assistance Grant Committee should discuss options at  its next meeting and report back to the EDC’sApril meeting.  
Elizabeth Stocker and Donald Sharpe asked the SHOP representatives if they were given the responsibility and accountability for the remaining STEAP funds, would they take that responsibility.  Although they could not speak for all of SHOP, they said they would take that responsibility.  Michael Burton said that in such a situation, he would welcome a STEAP committee member with experience in the process to work with SHOP to vet applications.  
EPA Grant update:  Ms. Stocker gave an update on an EPA grant for Danbury Hall and the eight single family houses on the Fairfield Hills campus.  She stated that the 30-day comment period had begun.  The money for the demolition of some of the properties would become available on July 1, 2013 and she wants to coordinate cleanup activities with demolition activities.  A public hearing is scheduled for March 20, 2013 at the Fairfield Hills Authority meeting.  
Sewer Commission update: Ms. Stocker said there is interest by developers in having  a sewermain inthe Hawleyville area extended and expanded immediately. Town bonding of $500,000  is expected to be available on July 1, 2013 for sewer projects.  Half of the money is for an engineering study.  Businesses are interested in doing projects in the short term, while the town does not have funds to do the projects as quickly as businesses would like.  The EDC will continue to support the Water and Sewer Authority on implementation of the project immediately.  
Buy Local Campaign: Ms. Stocker gave an update on the upcoming ‘The Newtown Way: Buy Local First’ campaign being developed by Betsy Paynter.  This is a multi-faceted campaign to build awareness of local businesses and will be kicked off on April 27.  
Ms. Stocker spoke about an article that will be included in the spring issue of the New England Real Estate Journal.
Business Incubator Update: Jean Leonard said they expected to hear back from Sacred Heart University students regarding their findings. Discussion followed regarding the specifics of other incubators.  It was agreed that setting up an incubator can take a long time.
Elizabeth Stocker noted that there would be an economic impact if Sandy Hook School moved from its current location.  The EDC will discuss this at its April 16 meeting.
Business Incentive Program:  Ms. Stocker began discussion regarding whether Section 12-65h of the Connecticut General Statutes, which allows for abatement of personal property taxes, should be included in Newtown’s new BIP.  Walter Motyka motioned that the Business Incentive Program may include state statute section 12-65h. Jean Leonard seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.  The BIP still requires further approvals by other boards.
By-Laws:  Elizabeth Stocker noted that the date referenced in section 1.1 of proposed new EDC bylaws should be corrected to December 6, 1989.Discussion took place regarding section 3.3.  Walter Motyka motioned to amend section 3.3 of the By-Laws to include wording from section 3 of Ordinance 66.  James Gulalo seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Clean Energy Finance Program: James Gulalo spoke about the C-PACE program.  There are funds available under this program for clean energy projects for businesses. He will get more details on the program for the EDC to review.  Walter Motyka motioned to approve the endorsement of the C-PACE program.  James Gulalo seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.  
Donald Sharpe motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 PM. The motion was  seconded and passed unanimously.